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Club recruitment for Changjun AP Center was successfully held on September 14th, gathering all students and faculties from Grade 10 and 11. 

Divided into two parts, the recruiting activity started from the promotion of USAD which refers to the United States Academic Decathlon. The officials for USAD presented several precious videos recording the competition in 2016 to illustrate the rules and process of the event. Besides, Zhou Jiayin, the leader of 2016 Changjun AP USAD team , shared her impressive experiences and valuable gains learned from the competition. She encouraged, “though it is tough and tense, this is a chance that we will learn from and communicate with real elites in our same age, please be brave to push your limits and enjoy yourself! ”and zealous encouragement, that don’t loss any chances , to audience.

After the promotion, various intriguing clubs’ shows were in charge of the stages. Club leaders, as the main presenters, introduced their clubs and associations in diverse ways, which enriched the whole event. For example, Dichotomy, the traditional AP band involving guitars, keyboards, drums, bass and singers, triggered all the students by delivering a popular song, which turned out attracting lots of students to enjoy the band. 

After the event, student Ouyang Ying from AP1602 shared with the journalists that she wanted to participate the Reporter Group as an editor. She said, “one of my best friends has changed a lot since working as a reporter. She is now outgoing, responsible and efficient, all of these are the characteristics that I want to cultivate.”

The examinations and interviews for recruits are going to be held in recent weeks, all the club leaders said they are looking forward to the new semester and being proud and confident for all the recruits.







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