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     1、主讲嘉宾Guest:Vickey Liu(加拿大滑铁卢大学数学院招生官)

     2、时间Time:11月6日上午10点05分 (10:05 AM  November 6th, 2017)

     3、地点Place:科技楼101教室 (Classroom 101, Science Building)





      加拿大滑铁卢大学数学院招生官Vickey Liu将于11月6日上午到我校进行宣讲。

     加拿大滑铁卢大学成立于1957年,是一所著名的综合性公立大学,也是加拿大综合声誉最优的大学之一,已经连续二十多年被评为加拿大最具有创新精神的大学,同时也是加拿大最好的综合研究型大学,QS Star评级5+的全球11所大学之一。滑铁卢大学是北美地区最优大学之一,其数学,计算机科学和工程学科教学水平居世界前列,工程院拥有加拿大最好的软件工程,电子工程及机械工程专业。此外,滑铁卢大学是加拿大第一所提供Co-operative education(合作实习教育)课程的学府。通过这一课程,学生能在所修读的学科中获得学习与实习并重的机会。



The University of Waterloo is a public research university with a main campus in Waterloo, Ontario. University of Waterloo is most famous for its cooperative education (co-op) programs, which allow the students to integrate their education with applicable work experiences. University of Waterloo operates the largest post secondary co-op program of its kind in the world, with over 19,000 co-op students and 5,200 employers. 


Waterloo's engineering program has consistently been ranked amongst the best in the world. In the 2017 QS university rankings for the field of engineering and technology, Waterloo was ranked 60th in the world, and third in Canada. In the 2017 U.S. News & World Report global university rankings for engineering, the university ranked 47th in the world, and first in Canada. 


The university had also gained notability in the field of computer science. In the 2016–2017 Times' university ranking for computer science, Waterloo was ranked 23rd in the world, and second in Canada. In the U.S. News and World Report 2017 ranking for computer science, the university was ranked 18th in the world and first in Canada.


Vickey Liu will give a lecture about studying in Canada, and how Waterloo is different from other universities, and discuss the program options at Waterloo, with a focus on the Faculty of Mathematics programs. If you are interested in this school, please come and join in the lecture!